Should I apply for DLA???

Hi, my 10 year old son has recently been diagnosed ASD, it mainly affects him socially, he's very clever but also has little common sense at times Joy ... I don't know a great deal about autism so I am still learning, he has no friends and struggles with play times at school, at home he HAS  to shower daily (if I was ever to say no I can imagine meltdowns he would have so I never say no, 10 year old showering every day is not exactly a bad thing when coming up to teenage years) problem is he spends ages in the shower and it's costing me a small fortune in water bills, I have tried shower timers but they haven't helped( that's the main thing) 

I need to get his seamless socks from a more expensive shop than I would buy

for any one else

Needs short easy to follow instructions

Fussy with certain fabrics on clothes

He eats and eats like he's got hollow legs.... 

People have suggested I apply for DLA but I'm not sure if that's enough for him to qualify for it

Please advise

From a single working mother 

Thanks for reading