blogs starting up

I wasn’t sure where to include this question but I was wondering if anyone knew how to set up a blog, what blog websites to use for starting one or how to explain the process? I’d just like to know so that I can start one up and organise everything correctly.

  • Hi!

     I have recently started blogging about my autistic experiences, what would you like to blog about?

  • I think i would also like to blog about neurodiversity and my autistic experiences. the only thing I don’t know is how to set a blog up.

  • Oh cool! That’s great! It all depends on whether you would like to start up your own blog or write for other people.

    For example I reached out to autistic led training company Neurodiverse Connection to write my first blog. They have a dedicated blog section on the website (link below). I decided to reach out to already established companies and websites as I don’t feel ready to have my own website just yet.

    At the bottom of the page that I have linked to, there is a paragraph stating that Neurodiverse Connection are actively looking to commission more neurodivergent writers. You could get in contact this way.

    Since my first blog with Neurodiverse Connection, I have also begun writing for the website Autistic Village (link below). I decided to choose this website as first and foremost it is autistic led, but it allows me a lot more scope for my writing in terms of length and content:

    On this home page, there is an email which you could send your initial drafts of your blogs to.This is what I did at the beginning and it has worked very well, I have now just finished writing a draft of my third blog! I have had 2 blogs published currently.

     I hope sharing my experience is helpful and gives you some initial ideas of how to start blogging. Good luck on your autistic experience blogging journey!

    There can never be enough autistic bloggers!

  • Oh cool! That’s great! It all depends on whether you would like to start up your own blog or write for other people.

    For example I reached out to autistic led training company Neurodiverse Connection to write my first blog. They have a dedicated blog section on the website (link below). I decided to reach out to already established companies and websites as I don’t feel ready to have my own website just yet.

    At the bottom of the page that I have linked to, there is a paragraph stating that Neurodiverse Connection are actively looking to commission more neurodivergent writers. You could get in contact this way.

    Since my first blog with Neurodiverse Connection, I have also begun writing for the website Autistic Village (link below). I decided to choose this website as first and foremost it is autistic led, but it allows me a lot more scope for my writing in terms of length and content:

    On this home page, there is an email which you could send your initial drafts of your blogs to.This is what I did at the beginning and it has worked very well, I have now just finished writing a draft of my third blog! I have had 2 blogs published currently.

     I hope sharing my experience is helpful and gives you some initial ideas of how to start blogging. Good luck on your autistic experience blogging journey!

    There can never be enough autistic bloggers!

  • Great! I hope your blogging venture goes very well!

  • you have been helpful, thank you!  I will make sure to do some research beforehand and consider those points. 

  • Thanks for the compliment!

    If you want to start your own blog, firstly I would suggest you research and read content from other autistic bloggers. This is important to make sure that your content is different and appeals to our autistic community.

    For example, you could focus on a certain intersection such as being Black and autistic or part of the LGBTQIA+ community if this is relevant to you obviously. I think blogs that explore personal experiences are the most insightful however you have to find balance between sharing enough information for your content to be meaningful whilst also not feeling too vulnerable/exposed as a result of what you are sharing.

    Then after that, like HMO suggested maybe you could start using WordPress. I think there is a free version of WordPress that you could use initially.

    Good luck!

  • that’s amazing you’ve done all of that! thank you very much for the advice and what would you suggest if I wanted to start up my own blog website?