
I'm #2. I'm autistic and though I was diagnosed during my preteen years I'm only just really starting to understand who I am and what this all means for me. It's been a long journey of self discovery, horrible at times, but rewarding at times as well.

I like being autistic. In my village I've helped this girl I know start an autism and disabilities group. We've met with some success, not a lot, but small steps leads to bigger and better things I hope! I'm all for spreading positive word for the autistic world. I'm hoping it will lead to more support for one and all.

Today has been a great day! I've spent it mostly at home, watched Spiderman Homecoming. Though I was outside this morning, I love being out in the fresh air when I can be!

Nice to meet you. I hope my intro wasn't too long.

  • Hello! ns welcome to the community Slight smile our website has many different resources that might be interesting and useful in helping you understand more bout yourself.

    If you have any specific questions feel free to ask here Slight smile



  • Hello! ns welcome to the community Slight smile our website has many different resources that might be interesting and useful in helping you understand more bout yourself.

    If you have any specific questions feel free to ask here Slight smile


