Denial of diagnosis

Did anyone else find it difficult to accept a diagnosis of ASD?

Or did you find it helpful?

If it was helpful, why?

  • If you don't want to accept it, don't.  It's a free world.  I accept mine, but I was diagnosed so late in life it only really affords me a useful letter.  i have lived over half my life as an ND with an NT skillset, so I am already battle worn.  that letter affords me a way to get people to comply to certain acts of law, nothing else.  If you get a diagnosis, it's not going to change your life.  It will make it easier in some ways and harder in others, but at the end of the day it's kind of like getting a degree or passing an exam, it's still just a piece of paper.

  • If you don't want to accept it, don't.  It's a free world.  I accept mine, but I was diagnosed so late in life it only really affords me a useful letter.  i have lived over half my life as an ND with an NT skillset, so I am already battle worn.  that letter affords me a way to get people to comply to certain acts of law, nothing else.  If you get a diagnosis, it's not going to change your life.  It will make it easier in some ways and harder in others, but at the end of the day it's kind of like getting a degree or passing an exam, it's still just a piece of paper.

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