
Hello. I was recently diagnosed with autism, it wasn't really a surprise, I've known for a while but wanted it as a confirmed diagnosis for my own peace of mind. Since I was little I've been obsessed with gardening. I love flowers, and growing things. My Grampy was the exact same, I used to help him in his own garden.

I struggle with both depression and anxiety as well and had a mental breakdown a few years ago and have let my garden become overgrown, weedy and neglected. But this year I'm determined to get back out there and get it looking nice again. Previously I grew flowers, beans, raspberries and carrots. This year I want to do that again.

  • Welcome Snowdrop. I enjoy gardening too but not to grow things but just like everything neat and tidy (OCD) 

    I hope now the weather is starting to get brighter it inspires you to get your garden back in shape!! 

  • Welcome Snowdrop. I enjoy gardening too but not to grow things but just like everything neat and tidy (OCD) 

    I hope now the weather is starting to get brighter it inspires you to get your garden back in shape!! 

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