
Hii I'm Annmarie. 

I have been diagnosed with autism and I've also got a diagnosis of anxiety and ADHD. I like being creative, enjoy writing, and like to go out for walks and forage in nature. I've taken to reading and watching films each night. Not currently in work, my mental health has got bad but taking it a day at a time and hopefully things will improve before long.

I was here on this community when I was first diagnosed in my teens. Looking forward to getting aquatinted with everyone again.

Parents Reply
  • I like a lot of singers. Taylor Swift is my favourite, I also like a lot of music from the 80s. Big fan of David Bowie. I like books by Stephen King, Darren Shan and all the Harry Potter books. Lord of the Rings is one of my favourites! :>) 

    What about you? Have you got any Lego books. I have an Lego encyclopedia book. It's wicked.
