
Hi just wondering if theres anyone else here obsessed with numbers, or have a very good memory for them. I remember all the mountain heights in wales in meters, plus loads of figures for population, area etc. its quite scary really, and nobody knows how vast my knowledge is...

  • I'm terrible at maths, so not too much. I think I have a thing about higher numbers, which when I play some video games causes me some interest to get the numbers to keep going up.

    But it's common for autistic people to have your obsession, yes.

    There's a famous case of autistic twins in the '60s (check out Oliver Sacks' The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat) who were savants. They could "see" numbers. If a box of matches fell on the floor, for example, they could immediately know exactly how many fell on the ground.

  • I'm terrible at maths, so not too much. I think I have a thing about higher numbers, which when I play some video games causes me some interest to get the numbers to keep going up.

    But it's common for autistic people to have your obsession, yes.

    There's a famous case of autistic twins in the '60s (check out Oliver Sacks' The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat) who were savants. They could "see" numbers. If a box of matches fell on the floor, for example, they could immediately know exactly how many fell on the ground.

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