Good morning. Newbie here


As the father of an 18 year old autistic daughter and im pretty sure i am on the spectrum too im finding life increasingly difficult.

My daughter has massive problems getting to and staying asleep. This is reflecting hugely on her attendance at college. Im concerned that she will be kicked off her course because if it.

She wakes up with huge headaches and IBS symptoms. She says that sensory issues with things touching her body keep her awake, but when she tries to remove covers etc, that also causes her more sensory difficulties.

Does anyone have any tips or tricks/treatments to help her sleep. The GP is not helping very much with a request for melatonin.

Thanks in advance for any help or suggestions you may have.

  • Hi 

    I use a weighted blanket. I have relaxing music playing quietly in the background all night. If i wake it helps send me back to sleep. I have the window open a little. I wake with headaches too. I think this is due to clenching my teeth in my sleep.

    Some people find comfort from a heated blanket. I know i used to from a hot water bottle. 

    Keep pushing for a try of melatonin. Maybe write to the GP and explain that your concerned about your daughters education due to her sleep pattern. 

    Im sorry, i dont know what else to suggest. I hope things work out for you both.