Taking someone who knew you as a child to assessment

Hi, sorry for creating another dicussion in such a short time.

but I wanted to ask a question.

i'm 24 and on the waitlist of for an assessment using right to choose and i have been seeing a lot of people saying they need someone who knew them as a child to come with them in the assessment... but i don't think i have one. My parents and family aren't people I particularly like or care about and in fact they haven't made it a safe place to talk to them about anything and (everything I do is based upon obligation rather than care [further questions are needed i am happy to answer]). so, when considering the possibility that i might be autistic i had to do it on my own (soo much mental pain). The friends i had as children who i could say would know me, all live in a different country (moved to the UK around 7 [again if any questions feel free to ask]) and the only friends i have now are those I made at university who don't quite fully know me because i was a bit masked. 

So my question is, in this instance what could I do?

  • My assessment was also done using Right to Choose with Clinical Partners. I chose my mum to be with me in the ADI-R assessment, but she has some language difficulties. The option was there to go through the assessment alone though. You should discuss this with them before your assessment. I wish you all the best!

  • If you can't, you can't. It's something that helps them reach their conclusions but there are a lot of people who were in a similar situation and they just do the best they can with the information they can get. It's not completely vital.