
Hi everyone hope you are all ok!

I'm new here and it's been a whirlwind the last couple of years. Only diagnosed a year or so ago and there sure  ADHD so waiting for medication tosee if that helps.

Lots of changes recently and feeling very confused with feelings. Anyways sorry for the ramble just wanted to say hey! Slight smile

  • Hi, welcome to the community. I only just joined as well. I hope you find it a good place to be, and supportive as well. I'm so glad I joined, I've found it a lovely community to be part of.

    I'm sorry you have been struggling lately. Change of any kind, no matter how small can have a very big impact when you have autism so it's more than understandable that you're feeling so affected. Make sure to take time out to relax and rest, give yourself time to work through everything.

    I hope things pick up for you soon and you get your medication and it helps you.

    Take care, see you around here. X