
My name is Susie, my 8yr old daughter has autism and was diagnosed 2 years ago, she has 2 older brothers neither of which are on the spectrum.

I've been through it all with the heartbreak of diagnosis to eventually accepting the fact that my daughter is different, and loving her all the more for those differences. It's a hard road at times but I would not change her for the world.

My daughter is in a mainstream primary school but spends half her day in the learning centre (special needs school) where she needs one to one supervision all day. She has speech but it is limited and there's a lot of repeating whats been asked but not knowing how to answer, routines are extremely important as I'm sure every parent on here will be familiar with. She gets very anxious and upset and self harm at times (thankfully not as much as she used too). I'm looking forward to hearing other peoples experiences and joining in discussions, and also be interesting to hear from people with daughters on the spectrum or they themselves are on the spectrum.

  • Hi amy

     thank your or the information about apps, my daughter has 1 called grid player for the iPad which is similar to the ones you might have described symbols and pictures, she uses it sometimes when she is having difficulty tryint to explain herself.

    i would love my daughter to be able to read and write the way you do someday, but for now I'm happy she is progressing in small ways.

    my daughter has an about me book in school but it is mainly pictures with a words but it helps her and also anyone looking after her to understand more about her.

    thankyou Amy

  • Hi amy

     thank your or the information about apps, my daughter has 1 called grid player for the iPad which is similar to the ones you might have described symbols and pictures, she uses it sometimes when she is having difficulty tryint to explain herself.

    i would love my daughter to be able to read and write the way you do someday, but for now I'm happy she is progressing in small ways.

    my daughter has an about me book in school but it is mainly pictures with a words but it helps her and also anyone looking after her to understand more about her.

    thankyou Amy

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