
My name is Susie, my 8yr old daughter has autism and was diagnosed 2 years ago, she has 2 older brothers neither of which are on the spectrum.

I've been through it all with the heartbreak of diagnosis to eventually accepting the fact that my daughter is different, and loving her all the more for those differences. It's a hard road at times but I would not change her for the world.

My daughter is in a mainstream primary school but spends half her day in the learning centre (special needs school) where she needs one to one supervision all day. She has speech but it is limited and there's a lot of repeating whats been asked but not knowing how to answer, routines are extremely important as I'm sure every parent on here will be familiar with. She gets very anxious and upset and self harm at times (thankfully not as much as she used too). I'm looking forward to hearing other peoples experiences and joining in discussions, and also be interesting to hear from people with daughters on the spectrum or they themselves are on the spectrum.

  • Hi Susie 

    I am Amy and I have ASD.

    I was diagnosed about 2 years ago, and have probably had the same thing of always knwoing I am different but now knowing it has a name was strange at the start. I think I have accepted it by now. 

    I think I sound quite a lot like your dauter. I can speak but not all the time, as no-one understands! I get frustrated really quickly and then that is when I can't speak and then can not tell people what is wrong. It is really hard.  Have you tried other communication, for when she is struggling? Obviously encourage her to speak but I find other things help to, or, I am getting there slowly. I use a mixture of signing while speaking (even if the people I am speaking to do not know sign language, it helps me to speak - never worked out how!), picture cards, and I have an app on my tablet that can speak for me if I nee it. Their is quite a few of these, let me know if you would like to know more about any of it. I prefer to be online bcause then people do not know how much I struggle everywhere else unless I tell them so I can join in like anyone else. 

    It is good that she was diagnosed then, I was diagnosed at 15, so could not get any support at school, I get a bit more support at college now but I missed out and struggled a lot at school.  Also she sounds lucky that the school is giving her that support-I hope it is helping. The mixture of places sounds really good too-I wish I had that, or that I could have it now. I did find a possible option  for it but the special college said I am 'not dissabled enough' and got rid of me. Anyway, the place I ended up at is better than the first college I was at, and they are still keen to keep finding things to help wich is good progres. 

    I also self harm, so I can help with that too if you have any questions. I get upset and axious quite a lot too. I keep finding on here that parents like to hear it from people with ASD to help understand their children. If you have any questions then you can ask.

     Like I said I think i am quite similar to your dauter, and I can try help if you want me to. 

  • Hi Susie 

    I am Amy and I have ASD.

    I was diagnosed about 2 years ago, and have probably had the same thing of always knwoing I am different but now knowing it has a name was strange at the start. I think I have accepted it by now. 

    I think I sound quite a lot like your dauter. I can speak but not all the time, as no-one understands! I get frustrated really quickly and then that is when I can't speak and then can not tell people what is wrong. It is really hard.  Have you tried other communication, for when she is struggling? Obviously encourage her to speak but I find other things help to, or, I am getting there slowly. I use a mixture of signing while speaking (even if the people I am speaking to do not know sign language, it helps me to speak - never worked out how!), picture cards, and I have an app on my tablet that can speak for me if I nee it. Their is quite a few of these, let me know if you would like to know more about any of it. I prefer to be online bcause then people do not know how much I struggle everywhere else unless I tell them so I can join in like anyone else. 

    It is good that she was diagnosed then, I was diagnosed at 15, so could not get any support at school, I get a bit more support at college now but I missed out and struggled a lot at school.  Also she sounds lucky that the school is giving her that support-I hope it is helping. The mixture of places sounds really good too-I wish I had that, or that I could have it now. I did find a possible option  for it but the special college said I am 'not dissabled enough' and got rid of me. Anyway, the place I ended up at is better than the first college I was at, and they are still keen to keep finding things to help wich is good progres. 

    I also self harm, so I can help with that too if you have any questions. I get upset and axious quite a lot too. I keep finding on here that parents like to hear it from people with ASD to help understand their children. If you have any questions then you can ask.

     Like I said I think i am quite similar to your dauter, and I can try help if you want me to. 

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