Direction in life.

I am nearly 29 years old, and I am getting increasingly worried about my future.

I am highly qualified in IT, and have been successful with getting and keeping jobs (For a specified amount of time).

I was made redundant by my previous employer, the local council, in late July 2022. I have had umpteen interviews, with different organisations since then. They have all said that I gave a good interview, and gave good answers and there's always a "But" as to why I didn't get the job.

I could shake this off at one point. However, it now feels as though I am destined to end up destitute, even though I am trying my damnedest to build a decent future for myself. All I want is a steady job and stable home life. Is that a lot to ask?

My Dad has Chronic Lymphatic Leukemia and my Mum has a wedge fracture in her spine, both of which further adds to the pressure of finding a job and fast.

At the moment, I feel as though I am cracking up.

  • Hi Dreamer95.
    Ironic is all i can Say to Your post.
    I used to be Civil Enforcement Officer with Northampton county Council.
    I worked hard but struggled with mental health.
    It caused me many sick Days.
    To cut a long story short, i was made redundant also.
    Employer's by law can't sack us for being ill, so They hide behind redundancy.
    You'll get there buddy.
    Equal opportunities bt Law states that as long as You can demonstrate that You can do the job, You are equal to all others.
    Hang on in there.

  • Hi Dreamer95.
    Ironic is all i can Say to Your post.
    I used to be Civil Enforcement Officer with Northampton county Council.
    I worked hard but struggled with mental health.
    It caused me many sick Days.
    To cut a long story short, i was made redundant also.
    Employer's by law can't sack us for being ill, so They hide behind redundancy.
    You'll get there buddy.
    Equal opportunities bt Law states that as long as You can demonstrate that You can do the job, You are equal to all others.
    Hang on in there.

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