
Hi I'm Katy.

I was diagnosed with ASD last week which has been a huge relief for me as I feel like I finally know who I am and that I belong in this world, something before I never felt. I felt like an outsider.

So this is an amazing feeling for me. One I hope I'll always remember.

I'm interested in movies - I own so many movies and spend most of my time watching movies. Also like music, reading, listening to audiobooks, drawing, spending time outdoors in the fresh air... I love all animals. I feel at one with nature and animals. I love to sing as well, my dream is to become a singer and look after my parents but whether that will happen... Probably not, but I'll hang on to the dream I've got.

  • Hello. Used to work with a singer who made the finals on a well known tallent show. A bit of advice. Never ever sign a contract where you don't have the freedom to use your voice as you chose, as while I was in work just before Christmas, one of the guys where I worked said to her as she came up to check how we were getting on "Go on. Sing us a Christmas carol or a hymn". 

    She said she wasn't allowed to without written conscent from this certain TV show. She wasn't allowed to singanything, even if she went to church without the shows permission and this was for her working life. Yet she had no income which is why she was working a minimum wage job like we were. In theory the tallent show could ask her to sing somewhere where she would be paid, but in practice this was rare, as once she was let go at the semi finals, that was the end of her singing. 

    So I always say to people to be careful about signing contracts and to never be dilluded by fame and fortune. if you do end up going professional, singing should not be about money or fame. It should be about enjoying and sharing. Should be an outward formation of ones inner tallents

    In reality, if you see an opportunity then go for it! But watch that those contracts are honest and fair! Remsmber even famous singers like Elvis would not sign such restricting contracts. Elvis regularly sang in church on his time off from professional singing, simply because he enjoyed it! 

    I love animals. I was recently listening to accounts of those who saw animals in Heaven. I actually saw into Heaven when I was in my early 20's. Everyone who has seen into Heaven remembers a different aspect of it. For me, I remember seeing this street paved with gold. I didn't even know it was written in the Bible until a week or two later when I read what I had seen!  I also saw a perfectly calm sea where in the distance was the thrown of God and it was massive and so bright it took a while for my eyes to adjust. Someone I know who had also seen that said it was blueish white. I saw it as a pure bright white light. I remember how the water came to the edge of the shore. Normally sea here in Wales has a each because the tide comes in and out. There the green land slopes down and meets the water as there is no tide. Just a jentle lapping at the shores edge to show that it is water.

    I also saw snow capped mountains and sat on a green curved part and looked at the views of the other mountains. 

    Then I was sent back into my body which was lying on the floor of the church. I didn't get home until nearly 2am thatnight! Think the church meeting started around 6 or 7pm. Never seen anything like it! 

    Am going way off track... Oh! Animals! Yes! I grew up aroud goats on a smallholding. We also had chickens, ducks, a turkey, fish, dogs, cats, a jackdaw that we rescued when it came to us in a bad way (He was lovely and when he had his own family after he was better so we could release him, he lived in a nest in the chimney of a house opposite and would daily visit us, and bring his new wife and family with him when he wasn't too busy!) Mum and I miss having animals. 

    Anyway. Welcome to this site. 

  • Hello. Used to work with a singer who made the finals on a well known tallent show. A bit of advice. Never ever sign a contract where you don't have the freedom to use your voice as you chose, as while I was in work just before Christmas, one of the guys where I worked said to her as she came up to check how we were getting on "Go on. Sing us a Christmas carol or a hymn". 

    She said she wasn't allowed to without written conscent from this certain TV show. She wasn't allowed to singanything, even if she went to church without the shows permission and this was for her working life. Yet she had no income which is why she was working a minimum wage job like we were. In theory the tallent show could ask her to sing somewhere where she would be paid, but in practice this was rare, as once she was let go at the semi finals, that was the end of her singing. 

    So I always say to people to be careful about signing contracts and to never be dilluded by fame and fortune. if you do end up going professional, singing should not be about money or fame. It should be about enjoying and sharing. Should be an outward formation of ones inner tallents

    In reality, if you see an opportunity then go for it! But watch that those contracts are honest and fair! Remsmber even famous singers like Elvis would not sign such restricting contracts. Elvis regularly sang in church on his time off from professional singing, simply because he enjoyed it! 

    I love animals. I was recently listening to accounts of those who saw animals in Heaven. I actually saw into Heaven when I was in my early 20's. Everyone who has seen into Heaven remembers a different aspect of it. For me, I remember seeing this street paved with gold. I didn't even know it was written in the Bible until a week or two later when I read what I had seen!  I also saw a perfectly calm sea where in the distance was the thrown of God and it was massive and so bright it took a while for my eyes to adjust. Someone I know who had also seen that said it was blueish white. I saw it as a pure bright white light. I remember how the water came to the edge of the shore. Normally sea here in Wales has a each because the tide comes in and out. There the green land slopes down and meets the water as there is no tide. Just a jentle lapping at the shores edge to show that it is water.

    I also saw snow capped mountains and sat on a green curved part and looked at the views of the other mountains. 

    Then I was sent back into my body which was lying on the floor of the church. I didn't get home until nearly 2am thatnight! Think the church meeting started around 6 or 7pm. Never seen anything like it! 

    Am going way off track... Oh! Animals! Yes! I grew up aroud goats on a smallholding. We also had chickens, ducks, a turkey, fish, dogs, cats, a jackdaw that we rescued when it came to us in a bad way (He was lovely and when he had his own family after he was better so we could release him, he lived in a nest in the chimney of a house opposite and would daily visit us, and bring his new wife and family with him when he wasn't too busy!) Mum and I miss having animals. 

    Anyway. Welcome to this site. 

  • Hello. Thanks for replying and for your advice r.e. professional singing. Contracts is something I would probably get someone professional to read it for me lol so I don't get caught out in any loopholes. I would love to be a professional singer, but I would worry about things like that, and things like finances because I don't really understand anything like that.
    Like I'm on benefits but my mum manages it for me because I've got no idea how to do banking or anything like that. I find everything so stressful and it really rules my life and stops me from doing things. . . .I would love to be a professional singer but I don't see it happening, purely because of my anxiety, I rarely leave my room (I do all my singing in my room!). But it's still a dream for me, my dream job, but whether it will happen I really don't know.
    For now I'll keep singing in my room and maybe one day I'll be famous, hopefully.

    Your experience of Heaven is very interesting. I love hearing about peoples experiences of this and near death, I've never had any such experiences, just really vivid dreams sometimes. I had a dream where it was so real for a second when I woke up I thought this life wasn't real. But I've never had any experience with Heaven before. I hope it's as you describe, that sounds absolutely lovely and so peaceful. I would love to be surrounded by animals. Where I live - also in Wales (saw your profile) - I'm surrounded by animals where I live, and country fields, mountains and a stream. For me this is my Heaven right now, my place of peace and solitude. 

    Thanks for the welcome.Hugging