
Hello to one and all. 

The name is Eddie, or simply Ed, and I've been referred here by a member of this society in order to converse more with like minded people. I too have Autism, and I was statemented in 1993 by a very well known hospital by very clever child psychologists.

Even though I have the capability and a modicum to socialise, I have always been a solitary chap and would much prefer to keep to my own company in order to improve and create. Many say that I do have a knack for art and writing, so I took it upon myself to test that theory out by writing a novel. One that has been in production for the past four years or so.

It has always been a lifelong ambition of mine to create something as big as this, and I do hope that, with help from others I shall be able to achieve what people with reading difficulties like myself can accomplish. 

I look forward to conversing more with everyone over time, and may you all have a pleasant and productive rest of the day.

Take care now

Ed :) 

Parents Reply Children
  • That sounds like a plan, thanks. I have trouble reading but I always give anything a fair shot :) It's just nice to be around others who know how it feels to be on the spectrum. It's not easy, but I've never let anything get me down :)