New Here / Autistic Adult (and question about work/study)

Hi, I was diagnosed with autism in summer 2022, I am a female in my late 20's and I wanted to just introduce myself and say hi. I also wanted to ask those of you who can't work/study, what are you able to do? how do you keep yourself busy on good days? have you found anything specific that you enjoy, or that you've found beneficial?

 and for those of you that got back into work after periods of time off due to autism, how did you find it? Slight smile

  • There are lots of online courses you can complete, as Autonomistic has pointed out.

    Away from that, focus in on your hobbies. Creativity is fantastic for autistic people, so maybe run a blog, YouTube channel, or whatever else you think suits you. These can keep you busy and provide you with control over a passion project. Very good boost for your mental health.

  • There are lots of online courses you can complete, as Autonomistic has pointed out.

    Away from that, focus in on your hobbies. Creativity is fantastic for autistic people, so maybe run a blog, YouTube channel, or whatever else you think suits you. These can keep you busy and provide you with control over a passion project. Very good boost for your mental health.

  • Yes! I love creative things. I've been doing a blog funnily enough since spring of last year - I used to blog when I was a teenager, so was lovely to get back into it. I'd love to try and start a YouTube one day in the future, that would be a LOT of fun!