

my son is black and 14 years old  he could have Austim or ADHD as his half brother has It also, however his Dosent seem to be as severe as his brother, I know each child can show different signs and not everybody is the same, I have also  had solicitor who pointed this out to me and said that he thinks my son has a disability. Now I have been to the doctors I had a questionnaire given and me and my son filled it out together, from the answers given on the questionnaire it was enough for a referral which was done. However the referral also relies on observation from the school,  so  another questionnaire was given so that the school could also observe how he interacts in his lessons. Unfortunately when the form was handed to the school at reception I was told the senco teacher was off it and it would be given too her once she returned this was never done so he miss the referral appointment after constantly ringing and emailing the school to see what was happening with it. Time gone by as this was in 2022. Cut a long story short my son was getting into trouble at school and they keep putting it down to bad behaviour. Not listening or concentrating being defiant etc . And they have put him on manage moves because of this which have failed as his needs are not being met. I brought this up with the school again 2024 and they said they can’t do a senco assessment now as there is a long waiting list and they are only concentrating on children who are looking at permanent exclusion. However they said they can do a learning plan for him. Is this right ? 

  • I wonder if you mean an EHCP?  As a parent you don't have to wait for the school, you can go straight to the local education authority. If the LEA decides to carry out an assessment, the school must respond within a reasonable time. If the LA refuses you can appeal to the SEND Tribunal.  If your son is getting into trouble because of his (presumed) disability, this is discrimination. If it has reached the point where the school is talking of a managed move, you probably need advice from IPSEA, an organization such as NAS or a lawyer specializing in education law.  You can also complain to the school - ask for the complaints procedure. If your child is excluded you must be notified in writing, and the letter gives details of how to appeal to the governors. With elections pending, this could be a good time to involve your local councillor or MP if you have already gone through the procedures as far as the school is concerned.

  • I wonder if you mean an EHCP?  As a parent you don't have to wait for the school, you can go straight to the local education authority. If the LEA decides to carry out an assessment, the school must respond within a reasonable time. If the LA refuses you can appeal to the SEND Tribunal.  If your son is getting into trouble because of his (presumed) disability, this is discrimination. If it has reached the point where the school is talking of a managed move, you probably need advice from IPSEA, an organization such as NAS or a lawyer specializing in education law.  You can also complain to the school - ask for the complaints procedure. If your child is excluded you must be notified in writing, and the letter gives details of how to appeal to the governors. With elections pending, this could be a good time to involve your local councillor or MP if you have already gone through the procedures as far as the school is concerned.

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