Newly diagnosed and looking for where to go next.

Hi Everyone,

I am 47 years old and was diagnosed with Autism just before Christmas, it was a long journey for myself, always wondering why I was a little different to the people around me, always wondering why I could not tolerate things that most people could very easily, being told I am not empathetic, the list goes on.  A very close friend of mine joked around saying I should look into autism and even sent me some online quiz's to do.

I got my formal diagnosis just before Christmas and am currently struggling to really understand what this means for me and my future,  I have lots and lots of reading to do, and was wondering if anyone out there has any suggestions on resources that may have helped them.  I also have a son who is currently going through an ADHD assessment/diagnosis which causes us issues due to the opposing nature of these conditions, if anyone knows of any good resoiurces in this area that would be fantastic.

Thanks :-)

  • When I was diagnosed in May last year, I read Untypical by Pete Wharmby, and Autism in Adults by Luke Beardon. These for me validated my life experience so far.

    Websites like reframing autism and Bristol Autism Support are go to for me for guidance on stuff.

    There is lots of stuff out there. I am male so perhaps I sought out autistic male voices. I would suggest reading the experiences of people of your own gender, as the presentation can be different for males and females.

  • When I was diagnosed in May last year, I read Untypical by Pete Wharmby, and Autism in Adults by Luke Beardon. These for me validated my life experience so far.

    Websites like reframing autism and Bristol Autism Support are go to for me for guidance on stuff.

    There is lots of stuff out there. I am male so perhaps I sought out autistic male voices. I would suggest reading the experiences of people of your own gender, as the presentation can be different for males and females.

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