Newly diagnosed and looking for where to go next.

Hi Everyone,

I am 47 years old and was diagnosed with Autism just before Christmas, it was a long journey for myself, always wondering why I was a little different to the people around me, always wondering why I could not tolerate things that most people could very easily, being told I am not empathetic, the list goes on.  A very close friend of mine joked around saying I should look into autism and even sent me some online quiz's to do.

I got my formal diagnosis just before Christmas and am currently struggling to really understand what this means for me and my future,  I have lots and lots of reading to do, and was wondering if anyone out there has any suggestions on resources that may have helped them.  I also have a son who is currently going through an ADHD assessment/diagnosis which causes us issues due to the opposing nature of these conditions, if anyone knows of any good resoiurces in this area that would be fantastic.

Thanks :-)

  • Hi there. I am 52 and still early on in my Autism journey, so I leave the best advise for those far wiser than me. But welcome to the Forum and I hope you will find like minded people here.

    I am female so my reading is slightly skewed to reading around women and autism. I have just finished reading "Unmasked" by Ellie Middleton which I really enjoyed. I listened to it first on audio as I have trouble with my concentration. I've just started listening to "Divergent Mind." by Jenara Nerenberg.

    Best wishes,

    Mrs Snooks

  • Hi there. I am 52 and still early on in my Autism journey, so I leave the best advise for those far wiser than me. But welcome to the Forum and I hope you will find like minded people here.

    I am female so my reading is slightly skewed to reading around women and autism. I have just finished reading "Unmasked" by Ellie Middleton which I really enjoyed. I listened to it first on audio as I have trouble with my concentration. I've just started listening to "Divergent Mind." by Jenara Nerenberg.

    Best wishes,

    Mrs Snooks

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