
Hello, my name is Paige. I'm not autistic, officially, but I am waiting for my assessment and according to online tests and my GP there's a very good chance I am on the spectrum. It's been such a long wait but I'm hoping this year will be the year! 

I thought joining an autistic community would offer some good knowledge and support for me.

Parents Reply
  • Thank you Blush 

    And thank you for the link. I like Aucademy, it's a really resourceful site and I like to follow the blog there. I'm not officially diagnosed yet but I'm getting as much knowledge as I can to help me in the future.

  • I'm not officially diagnosed yet but I'm getting as much knowledge as I can to help me in the future.

    I agree Aucademy is great!

    You do know that self identification is perfectly valid don’t you?

     Many other members of our autistic community are self identified including myself!

    You know yourself best, so there’s no need to worry about waiting for a formal identification to support yourself or acquire knowledge about your autistic experience.

    Unless you want to wait for the formal identification to gain some clarity?