My son hates my neighbours


My son is 23 yrs old and was diagnosed with autism when he was 3 yrs old . We live in a nice area in se London and have lived next door to my neighbours for 30 yrs . They have been very understanding and patient with my son but for the last 3 years he's decided he hates them . Any little noise they make he starts banging on the wall . Even when they don't make any noise he bangs on the wall really hard . It can be anytime during the day and even in the middle of the night . They don't hear it but I am being woken up, . I tell him off and shout unfortunately as I'm so tired . I feel hopeless as he doesn't want to stop doing this . Does anyone have any ideas or anything to help me for him to stop this . Thankyou 

  • tell him that the neighbours cant hear it but you can.

    if he knows they dont hear it then he knows its wasted effort and he can try something else....

    maybe tell him to get some sort of targeted directional sound system that he can use to penetrate their walls with some sound instead that perhaps goes only in that direction and not in yours.