Recently diagnosed adult finding it difficult to recover skills and activity levels

I have been encouraged to seek out community by my psychologist.  I think the idea is that I might be able to develop a broader understanding of autism / neurodivergence following my autism assessment, which was quite deficit focused.

In browsing the discussions I have found myself drawn to the subject of autistic burnout - . .

  • Hello 91136, I am Number.

    Welcome to this place.

    Burnout, for me, has proved cyclical in nature.  None of them have been pleasant, and the "Mega burnout" that I experienced took (like Isperg reports) years to recover from and I did not return to previously enjoyed levels of functionality.  Learning that these "episodes" of my life actually have a recognised explanation and are "quite normal" has been one of the most wonderful thing about learning of my autism.

    I hope you can stick around, enjoy this place sometimes, but mainly mine it (and us current cohort) to make you feel less alone in this world and that there are MANY people a lot like you here.

    Kind regards


  • Hello 91136, I am Number.

    Welcome to this place.

    Burnout, for me, has proved cyclical in nature.  None of them have been pleasant, and the "Mega burnout" that I experienced took (like Isperg reports) years to recover from and I did not return to previously enjoyed levels of functionality.  Learning that these "episodes" of my life actually have a recognised explanation and are "quite normal" has been one of the most wonderful thing about learning of my autism.

    I hope you can stick around, enjoy this place sometimes, but mainly mine it (and us current cohort) to make you feel less alone in this world and that there are MANY people a lot like you here.

    Kind regards


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