
Hi I'm Ray.

I'm diagnosed with low functioning autism and have difficulty with speech and mobility. I've been living in an autism support care home the last couple of years as I think my mum got fed up with me and took me. It took a long time to adjust but I'm now comfortable living here and am grateful for the support and help the staff give me when needed.

My hobbies are reading, watching stuff, listening to music, colouring and drawing and playing with toys. These are my favourite things to do. Sometimes I go out for a short walk but not as much this time of year because the cold makes my hyper sensitivity worse.

I'm listening to music at the moment. I like lots of music. At the moment I'm listening to Whitney Houston.

  • Hi Ray, I hope you find the forum both useful and enjoyable.

    Are you reading anything good at the moment? I like a mix of fiction and non-fiction. Just on "A Wanted Man" by Lee Child at the moment. I will forget the plot almost as soon as I have finished it, so I probably do not need to buy another book, I could just cycle through all the ones I have again and again, and they would seem completely fresh each time!

  • Hi Ray, I hope you find the forum both useful and enjoyable.

    Are you reading anything good at the moment? I like a mix of fiction and non-fiction. Just on "A Wanted Man" by Lee Child at the moment. I will forget the plot almost as soon as I have finished it, so I probably do not need to buy another book, I could just cycle through all the ones I have again and again, and they would seem completely fresh each time!

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