
Hello, I'm Charla and I'm new to this community. I was recently diagnosed with autism though I feel like I've always known for a lot longer really but it's nice to finally have the diagnosis confirmed as there was always that part of me that would doubt it.

So it's nice to finally know and be able to start living if that makes sense. 

Parents Reply Children
  • Happy snapping Charla.
    Stay cool Thumbsup

  • Lol to be honest I've had it a while and still don't know even half of the features. I should probably read the instructions at some point...
    I'm more of a dive straight in and learn it all myself, the more fun route but not necessarily the best.
    Enjoy your photography too. Spring is just round the corner now so I'll be able to get back out there with my camera before long.

  • Canon are pure quality.
    Are you sure it does not have anti-shake ?
    It is standard with Nikon but i am sure Canon still have that option in the menu settings.
    As you know,photography is trial and error.
    That's what makes learning fun.
    If it was easy it would be boring.
    Keep snapping away Thumbsup

  • I have a Canon camera which has a long lens and a regular lens. If I'm going for long walks in the country I'll take it with me - has a protective case, in case of rain - to photograph any wildlife I may encounter. I use my phone as well though, normally for selfies and pictures about the house but the quality isn't as good as what my Canon can do.

    Your camera sounds great. My Canon has auto and manual settings but I always keep it in auto as it does anti shake which I need as my hands are always shaking.

  • I love photography also.
    I bought a lovely Nikon with all the trimmings, learning how to switch from automatic
    to manual and entering your own settings like depth of field etc took ages to learn.
    It is rewarding if you get the picture just perfect.
    I bet you are now going to say you just use your mobile phone camera !  lol