For legal reasons I must disclose that I am in fact not an orangutan

Hey there. I'm a male 31 year old resident of Glasgow, born here but raised elsewhere. I was diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome at age 11 and have since then been slowly learning what it's like living as a person with autism. Very slowly. Glacially, as I tend to put it.

My hobbies are video games and Tabletop Role Playing Games. Some of my favourite video games are Baldur's Gate 3, Hades, Left 4 Dead 2, Borderlands 2, The Legend Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Viewtiful Joe and Legend of the Mystical Ninja: Starring Goemon.

My favourite TTRPGs are Pathfinder 1E and Hunter the Vigil 2nd Ed. I've been playing and GMing Pathfinder on and off for over 10 years. I've read Hunter 2nd Ed, but have not had success getting a game going. All my gaming experience with TTRPGs has been online.

I like Symphonic Power Metal the best out of any music genre. Kamelot, Epica, Blind Guardian, and Gloryhammer (the Thomas Winkler era specifically) are among my favourites. Though I like other genres of music, these are the ones that energise me the most.

My favourite genre of fiction is cosmic horror. I'm in love with the concept of our perception of reality being veneer thin, where madness is the only salvation in the face of the greater truths in primal chaos.

I'm a picky eater with an immature palette, but my favourite foods are stewed meats in a flavourful broth or sauce. Beef stew. Curry. Beef shin and ale ragu. Meat cooked in a sauce with pasta, rice or potatoes is my basic diet. The sauce is where the variety comes in, if you can call that variety :^)

Humour is my favoured quality in just about everything, and also how I prefer to deal with stressful situations. I can at times be goofy and silly, loving puns and wordplay. At other times my humour can be messed up, though I don't go out of my way to be hurtful. I love being a comedic hypocrite, making fun of things I most definitely partake in.

Anyway, guess that's enough for an introduction. Lets see how things go.

Parents Reply Children
  • You're gonna need a solvent I reckon. Nail polish remover, rubbing alcohol. Apparently cooking oil works. Ah I remember the last time I raided the supply closet at the zoo. The gorillas were upset when I told them their likeness had been used in marketing without their consent.