
Hello.  I was diagnosed 7 months ago after struggling for years with day-to-day life and not really knowing why.  I am interested to learn about other people's experiences of living with Autism and to chat. 

  • Hello welcome!

    I am interested to learn about other people's experiences of living with Autism and to chat.

    This is a great place for that! Ive learned alot about my and other experiances with autism and I hope you like it here. Everyone is lovely! Blush

    Im sorry you were struggling for so long. Do you think your diagnosis has helped?

  • Hello Smiley Do I think its helped? In a sense... but I'm still trying to make sense of it. I think the reason for that is because for years I've been backwards and forwards to psychologists who specialise in this field since the early nineties and I was never given a clear or definite diagnosis. After all these years, now that I finally have a diagnosis, it somehow doesn't seem real.

  • Hello Smiley Do I think its helped? In a sense... but I'm still trying to make sense of it. I think the reason for that is because for years I've been backwards and forwards to psychologists who specialise in this field since the early nineties and I was never given a clear or definite diagnosis. After all these years, now that I finally have a diagnosis, it somehow doesn't seem real.
