Book Recommendations

I'm still getting my head round how autism presents in general and how it relates to me particularly. Does anyone have any recommendations for books that helped them understand their diagnosis?

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  • Debbie, that is all I could find as well; it's all three to four years ago with nothing since.


  • I tried to find something about it online but that's all I could find as well. It seems that the page has been around for 4+ years without Amazon removing it.

    The book and the author appear credible although I haven't read it personally. The book has forewords written by Luke Beardon and Sara Heath, both respected names within the world of autism.

    I also noticed that one 5 star review of the book appears to have been posted by the author himself and purports to be written by non other than the former CEO of the National Autistic Society.

    Both were Chartered Accountants and I can attest from personal experience that some accountants do have a very strange sense of humour Upside down