
Hello Everyone,

Delighted to have found this community, after an ASD diagnosis six months ago :)) 

Like many others, it was the diagnosis of a family member that led to my own lightbulb moment and subsequent diagnosis. I am happy to finally understand myself a little better and only wish my diagnosis had happened sooner, rather than at the ripe old age of 53, but better late than never! 

I am studying a degree in creative writing via distance learning (currently battling SFE for a maintenance loan) and have just sent off the form to claim PIP - fingers crossed everyone! I am hoping for the best, but expecting the worst in terms of PIP. Reading the experiences of others on this forum has given me hope, and the determination to persist with PIP even if they initially reject me. Thank you to all those who have shared their PIP journeys, both the lows and the highs, knowing there is a supportive community here gave me the encouragement I needed to make my own application.

Like many here, I am a person of passionate interests ;)) I love listening to music and immersing creatively. It is such a relief to discover this lovely community - finally a place where I fit perfectly!

  • Welcome

    Yes, the DWP & PIP can be a nightmare! So, even if they do initially reject you take it all the way to the tribunal, it’s unlikely that it’ll get that far as in my experience they have always backed down.

    If you need any help advice post on here.

    Good luck.

  • Thanks MArt,

    Really appreciate the encouragement and support.

    I will definitely seek advice from the forum with any issues/stumbling blocks I might encounter. I can see there is a wealth of knowledge and experience gathered amongst this community. Thank you for the good luck wishes, it all helps :))

  • Thanks MArt,

    Really appreciate the encouragement and support.

    I will definitely seek advice from the forum with any issues/stumbling blocks I might encounter. I can see there is a wealth of knowledge and experience gathered amongst this community. Thank you for the good luck wishes, it all helps :))

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