
Hello. I'm Florence, I have autism and am currently training to be a nurse with the NHS as I'm very passionate about medicine and healthcare and because I'm autistic I've seen how bad it can be for us having to go to hospital so if I am successful and become fully trained I'll be in a good position to help any autistic patients in the future.

I've got anxiety as well and this has brought some challenges with my training but more so it affects my daily life at home but I am trying my best to gain more control over my anxiety as it's exhausting and unpleasant.

My family are supportive and I'm grateful to all of them for helping me when I have problems. Not everyone understands autism but I'm lucky that my family do.

I'm lonely in life though. I'm working on my social skills but it's a long haul. I can interact with people, though from what I've read it's mostly me masking. I'm still trying to find my inner social and when I do I'm hoping I'll make some friends.

I have a guide book on breaking the ice with people so here's a casual question from it.

What's your favourite thing about you?

My favourite thing about me is that I'm autistic.

  • That’s an interesting take, your autism.

    I’ve only recently found I’m autistic as well and equally I was thinking that it’s a gift?

    I’m beginning to realise how much it’s influenced my creativity and in particular my photography.

    So, at the moment my favourite thing is my creativity and perhaps my autism too.

  • That’s an interesting take, your autism.

    I’ve only recently found I’m autistic as well and equally I was thinking that it’s a gift?

    I’m beginning to realise how much it’s influenced my creativity and in particular my photography.

    So, at the moment my favourite thing is my creativity and perhaps my autism too.

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