
All my life I've been treated like a weirdo by people.
My parents, my brother, school, other kids at school, a lot of work colleagues.
All made me feel like I'm not normal. People always pointing at me and laughing to themselves.
I struggle in social situations. I struggle at work. I got in trouble for doing stuff I didn't even realise I WAS doing.

I'm working on getting a diagnosis and I had forms to give to my wife and kids 

My oldest daughter says she can't ever remember me successfully holding down a job. My own daughter said that. It hurt. 

Mother in law refusing to fill one out because she doesn't want to offend me. That says it all doesn't it?

I never asked to be born. But I was and I've been made to feel like a loser ever since.

It's just all been a huge massive failure. All of it and I wish I didn't have to be here. I wish I never existed or I was born someone else.

My youngest daughter is home educated so I don't work so I can take care of all that. Wife is supportive. But I hate myself. I hate this life. 

I don't know who to talk to 

  • Hey Stu, you have a wife and a daughter. That’s a pretty massive achievement in my view. 

    I also had trouble finding people to fill in forms / talk to my assessors. I think it’s pretty standard for family to really not understand us. But if you’re working towards a diagnosis then hopefully they will come to understand and support you better.

    And we’re always here if you need to talk.

  • Hey Stu, you have a wife and a daughter. That’s a pretty massive achievement in my view. 

    I also had trouble finding people to fill in forms / talk to my assessors. I think it’s pretty standard for family to really not understand us. But if you’re working towards a diagnosis then hopefully they will come to understand and support you better.

    And we’re always here if you need to talk.

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