The start of my journey.

Hello everyone. I am a recently referred potential late diagnosed young adult.

Through the beginning of my journey i have been finding some parts of it incredibly difficult such as understanding that a lot of my thoughts are not typical/normal of what most people think and then things like whilst trying to get support for these things whether that be financial through universal credit/ PiP or generally through any mental health service as I am constantly feeling misunderstood and realistically very isolated from society whilst being constantly told that it is key for me to be part of society which feels awful. So a friend of my mums who is a teaching assistant for neurodivergent children about this forum and how it has made some of them feel more connected to the world and the people within it. 

Hopefully I will be able to get a better understanding of my neurodivergence whilst also hopefully be able to help others with their own! Just by reading a few pieces already there is much more understanding and helpful information here then most have been able to provide me so far. 

I look forward to meeting some of you and becoming a part of this community!

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