Being asked to fill out an AQ10 after already having being diagnosed with autism?

Hi - like the title says, has anyone heard of this happening and why they are doing that? Makes no sense to me and I only recently filled it out twice already which is how I got the diagnosis and then the psychiatrist said next steps and now I am being asked to fill it out again by the GP for someone else. 

  • I only recently filled it out twice already which is how I got the diagnosis

    An AQ10 form alone won't have given you a diagnosis.

    You mention a psychiatrist - did you do a full assessment with this person?

    I'm just wondering as you say that the psychiatrist said 'next steps'.

    Who is the 'someone else' you mention?

  • I only recently filled it out twice already which is how I got the diagnosis

    An AQ10 form alone won't have given you a diagnosis.

    You mention a psychiatrist - did you do a full assessment with this person?

    I'm just wondering as you say that the psychiatrist said 'next steps'.

    Who is the 'someone else' you mention?

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