Diving in Head First

Hey there. New here. Not sure if it's my kind of "thing" but I'm giving it a try. My youngest was diagnosed level one autistic last fall. Our biggest challenge is what I thought was just teenage rebellion, but is demand avoidance / drive for autonomy which turned into leaving college during first semester, and coming back home. Her diagnosis started conversations between myself, her mother (my ex), and my siblings about our own mental health, challenges, past diagnoses, misdiagnoses, and a lot of online self-testing. I'm now scheduling a professional screening for myself. And reading (a perhaps excessive amount of) books and online material to "catch up" so to speak. What do I need to know, that I likely currently don't? What are the best ways to help myself, so I can best help my family? 

  • What are the best ways to help myself, so I can best help my family? 

    Sounds to me like, at this point, you are doing ALL the right things.  Keep at it.  It gets harder... so gurd your loins!

    Welcome to this place.....I hope you find it of use ... personally, I find the cohort here INVALUABLE!

    I can wholeheartedly recommend digging deep, far, and wide into the old threads in this place.  I embarked on that endeavour in this place when I was at your stage and (despite the ridiculously daft and almost laughable "search" function) found myself stumbling across INVALUABLE, pertinent and deafeningly resonant words from others.

    Good luck.


  • That's encouraging, and appreciated. I'm no stranger to life being more difficult than it seemingly should be, so some semblance of an explanation is a bit welcome. I'm not much for seeking help / support so I appreciate your glowing review of this online community. I'll likely dig more than I share, but I'll make a point of being a positive presence. 

  • That's encouraging, and appreciated. I'm no stranger to life being more difficult than it seemingly should be, so some semblance of an explanation is a bit welcome. I'm not much for seeking help / support so I appreciate your glowing review of this online community. I'll likely dig more than I share, but I'll make a point of being a positive presence. 

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