

I'm 32 and only came to realize I was autistic about a year ago. I've never really known how to make friends or connect with people well, but I'm hoping maybe here I can. I like writing, drawing portraits and roleplaying online (dreamwidth, came from Livejournal back in the day), and video games and movies, and my special interest for the last few years has been bears of the world!  The bear pictured is a Kodiak bear, one of my favourites :)

Anyway, I hope you all had a good Christmas if you celebrate it, or you're able to get some decompression time in now if it wasn't so good. I only spent a couple of hours with family before I came home and just slept. I was so tired from work the day before, I didn't really do much celebrating until about 6pm when I woke up and watched a couple of my favourite movies and made a roast exactly how I like it Smiley