

I'm Cathy. I was diagnosed as autistic in 2021. Since my diagnosis I've found it quite difficult but I'm hoping it will get easier. I find the lack of support distressing, but I've been trying to raise awareness in my area to open up more support channels.

My special interest is in music. I love listening to music and reading about it and collecting everything to do with it from CDs to vinyl. Wham are my favourite music group, I was 9 when they first started releasing music and I've been a diehard fan ever since then.

I was working for a firm as a personal assistant which was good work. I no longer go in to work, now I work from home, since giving birth to my youngest daughter who is also autistic but far more severely affected than myself and requires constant care and support.

My husband is currently unwell which is adding to the stress and difficulty. But these things are sent to try us.

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