

I've just joined, yesterday but couldn't post because the internet was off due to the strong winds, tripping out the power. Last night it was like when I was a kid, under my duvet in the dark, using a torch to read books and comics. I started off by watching Mickey's Once Upon A Christmas, I managed to fit it all in, but shortly after my portable dvd started flashing low battery please charge and that was the end of that.

I enjoyed reading under my duvet though, reminded me of being a child again as that's what I used to do instead of sleeping lol Laughing the power has only just come back on, though I did get some sleep in, I haven't been reading all this time!! 

My interests are wide and wonderful. I have a fascination with ladybirds, don't ask me why! And a huge love of Harry Potter!!! It's my special interest and I'm like a huge encyclopedia on it and know all of the characters, history, places and everything about it of by heart. It really doesn't get much better than HP! I have all the dvds, all the books and a few of the Funko Pop figures. I love everything to do with Harry Potter... I've got most of the wands as well. But I want it all lol I won't stop until I've got everything to do with it.

Whoops... this is a lot longer than I thought it would be. Sorry, I get carried away, sometimes. Stuck out tongue 

  • It's my special interest and I'm like a huge encyclopedia on it and know all of the characters, history, places and everything about it of by heart. It really doesn't get much better than HP! I have all the dvds, all the books and a few of the Funko Pop figures. I love everything to do with Harry Potter... I've got most of the wands as well. But I want it all lol I won't stop until I've got everything to do with it.

    Thats like me with Frozen lol

    Welcome to the forum!!

    Whoops... this is a lot longer than I thought it would be. Sorry, I get carried away, sometimes

    We all ramble here Slight smile

  • I saw your profile picture and thought you might be a fan. I like Frozen as well! I remember when I first saw it and got the dvd, I was hooked then and I've got the soundtrack for both films on cd. I had a giant Olaf plushie at one point but he got left outside thanks to my carelessness and was ruined! *Sobs*

    I ramble all the time about all sorts for some reason. According to the people who assessed me though it's a part of my autism and I shouldn't push that side of me away, so I try not to feel embarrassed when I talk about things that interest me.

  • I actually was wanting to create some sort of Arendelle history textbook. I have a list of a few past rulers from Dangerous Secrets, and also some events that would probably be textbook worthy but textbooks are like hundreds of pages long lol. 

    I have watched behind the scenes but they are more about the process of making the movies rather than more information on the Frozen universe. I get most of my information from the movies and books. My problem that is keeping me from writting the textbook (aside from not having enough material) is that I cant be 100% sure what stuff is cannon. I have noticed inconsistancies between books and interviews, movies, so how can I know which parts are true? Even the broadway show has stuff that is wrong and Jenn Lee herself wrote the play! Which is why I need to disscuss with the team to know for sure. Maybe I should buy a notebook and write down all my questions so that way if I do ever meet them I could ask all at once.

    I was thinking of writting a letter to Lee to tell her how much Frozen means to me but to also talk about Wish because all I have been seeing online is how bad Wish is, but I need to tell her that its not actually bad (wont say why cause that will take too long and I dont want to give spoilers to anyone)

    Ahhh my brain is having so many thoughts that by the time I type out one sentance ive forgotten what I want to say and ive already had like 30 more thoughts!!

  • Your memory sounds so impressive with some things. I found that amazing reading about how sometimes you replay a chord in your head and then actually go and create that chord. That's very interesting, you must have a great ear for music, and also quite musical too that you can actually work out what chord is what. To me music all sounds the same chord wise, I wouldn't know D from C chord, I never have been particularly gifted when it comes to music which is such a shame as I really love music. It's one of my favourite things listening to music and brings me a lot of comfort and light during my darkest hours. I can however remember a scene of a movie that has a certain song in it, usually I'll be able to picture the scene and what the characters are saying and doing, it's almost like the said clip is actually replaying visually in my mind. This can be very fun, not so fun if it's a bad memory though and I visualise it, which happens far more than it likely should. But I can also remember entire chapters from the Harry Potter books, likely because it's my special interest and I can remember a lot from my early childhood which I found out at school a lot of neurotypicals can't really remember. But like you, with certain things my memory just dies lol like I'll leave the house with a shopping list imprinted in my mind and then I end up forgetting pretty much everything! I've left my keys at home, forgotten where the car is parked, and one of the worst is forgetting people's names... This happens way too much! Despite being in my 20's it's more like I'm in my 80's lol. In some cases my memory is terrible, utterly terrible, other times it's amazing, but normally not for important things. LOL.

    It must be fun remembering Frozen like that. Lately my memory for movies hasn't been so good, same with books. I struggle to remember what characters names are even though at once I'm sure I knew many by heart. Sure it's likely an anxiety thing but it is very annoying for sure.

    You would be good as a Arendelle Historian!!! You're dedicated and would love your work, sounds like the ideal thing for you. Have you thought of writing your own book??? I'm sure there would be so many Frozen fans who would simply love for someone to do something like that explaining the history, characters and knowledge that most aren't aware of. I thought of doing this for Harry Potter but currently I'm writing Luna's Looney World! - a sort of self biography for autistic people to use as a support and resource. I bet a Frozen factual book about the history would be absolutely smashing! I would buy it!!! In the meantime if you can't meet the creative team have you looked up interviews online and behind the scenes??? It might offer some insight into their work and inspire you... I did this with JK - before she showed her true colours - and have done the same with the actors and publishers. It can often be very inspiring and rewarding looking deeper in to these things. Just seeing how they think can be an eye opener.

    I bet your own Arendelle would be amazing!!! What a wonderful thing to dream about! I hope one day you will have the money to make this dream a reality. I read how a billionaire was rebuilding his own Titanic, so, perhaps that will be you one day with your own Arendelle....

    Never say never! In life, anything is possible and impossible things can and do happen!

  • Did you have a favourite toy growing up???

    Ive had different favorite toys but I would always feel awful that I was hurting the others feelings. I had a chart on my wall at one point and I had to rotate each toy to sleep with that night so they were all treated the same. I remember once I started crying all day because I loved one toy more than the other and I thought I was a horrible person. Haha im probably crazy

    I think we autistics in some cases have such an incredible memory.

    Some cases yes. I remember things that some kid in elementary school did one day or which swing they used one time and when Grace lied to the teacher about her math work (still have a slight grudge on her for that even though she probably doesnt even remember). I also remember license plates, and birthdays pretty well.
    And I can know the exact moment in a tv series or movie that a certain string of chords in the background music was played. I cant always do that one on command but give me a few days of playing it over and over in my head and ill figure it out. I actually didnt know I could do this one until recently when I tried writting a song on the piano. It was bothering me because I was like "this is in a song already" and for days the only thing I was talking about was the section of my music and I was asking everybody I knew what it was from and they all said it wasnt from anything and that I made it up. Then a few days later it hit me, so I went to the piano, moved the chord progressiong down an octave and moved to a new key and replayed it. I showed everyone again and I said "See I told you it already exsisted! I just had it in the wrong key" but they still couldnt hear it so I told them that i bet its in the scene in Frozen 2 when Elsa is taming the Water Nokk and its when they break out of the water with Elsa getting on Nokks back. It took a couple min to find the right clip but I found it and played it at that moment and I was right. Then my mom said that she doesnt even think the composers would have noticed (I doubt that). And then the same thing happened again a few months later with the first 7 chords of the goodbye scene of Just Add Magic last episode. That one was more impressive since I havent watched that show since 6th grade and its not even my special interest.

    So I can have a good memory with some things but then other things my memory is terrible. Like when I ask "Whats for dinner?" then less than 5min later "Whats for dinner?" lol

    it's lovely, like I can step back in to the past! Like taking a summer's stroll through time.

    Yeah it is Slight smile

    I didn't actually realise that much Frozen memorabilia even existed. You might have a Guinness World Record or Frozen stuff.

    Oh no, there is FAR MORE Frozen memorabilia out there. 

    I really would love if I had the most Frozen stuff ever but I dont think that is likely. Sometimes I get like a panic attack type thing when I worry that I dont love Frozen enough and that someone will love it more or will know more than me. It would be my biggest dream to know so much that Jenn Lee would officialy recognise me as an Arendelle Historian. I think id have a long way to go but maybe if I could somehow convince the creative team to let me intern with them and learn as much as I can. I also plan to one day, when I have enough money, to buy some land in Norway (only because Norway would be the closest thing to Arendelle. Except for the Arendelle park in Hong Kong but I dont like asian food so I would do well living there. Plus I dont think they are renting out at their park. I suppose if I was VERY rich I could hire someone to build me an Arendelle fjord) and then build a custom Arendelle house. It would need to be as accurate as possible. Id prefer if every item was made in the way that it wouldve been made back in mid 1800s scandinavian areas. I would have one hidden room behind a book shelf to keep all my modern things tho like my computer. 

    I gotta go so ill end here

  • Oh yes, I completely get what you mean with remembering pretty much every childhood toy that was lost, I remember them all, including the toys that weren't lost that I had and played with many happy days when I was growing up. I can remember every toy like it was yesterday and when I think of those toys, I can actually remember how I felt when I was playing with the toys, like the happiness that pulsated through me like this incredible energy that I only seemed to feel when I was a child, normally only when I played with my toys. I can remember the first toy I got was an adorable bear, very soft and had a big pink nose and wore a pretty scarf. I also had a Barbie when I was 6, she had beautiful golden hair and these lovely little brushes that I would use to brush and style her hair. She also had extra dresses that I would frequently organise for her. Clare I called her, was probably my favourite toy and I miss her so much. She sadly was broken by my brothers was not repairable. I remember when they broke her I had one of my biggest meltdowns. I was so upset and will always be crushed that she was broke.

    Did you have a favourite toy growing up???

    I think we autistics in some cases have such an incredible memory. I can remember so much, so many different things, it's lovely, like I can step back in to the past! Like taking a summer's stroll through time.

    Wow I just looked. You have a lot of Frozen stuff lol I didn't actually realise that much Frozen memorabilia even existed. You might have a Guinness World Record or Frozen stuff. I own the dvds but that's about it... I had an Olaf plushie, as you all know, however let's not go there XD

  • Yes I still remember toys from when I was a toddler that got ruined or dissapeared and every once in a while, ill bring it up again and itll be all I talk about for hours and ill say "Where is my stuffed bear with the short curly brown-grey fur with the blue footie pjs and had the little rattle inside?" then my moms just like "I dont know thats been gone since you were like 3" and I already knew that but then I keep asking for the rest of the day. I also make my mom open up the heating vent sometimes because when we first moved to my house 12yrs ago, I swear my favorite dog suffed animal fell down it. My mom has checked every year since it happened and never any luck but I still make her check. Then theres also my blue owl from McDonalds that went missing, my purple pig, my snowman orntament, my black short cut lego hair, my tree nut that I pretended was an owl back in 2nd grade, my blue leopard toy that my sister got messy then when my mom washed it, its fur was never soft again so then I wrapped it in an ACE bandage and had a funeral, and there are loads more but nobody wants to hear about all my stuff that has gone missing lol. I havnt lost something in years though actually, ive been ocd about my stuff (I dont actually know if I have real OCD), everything has its spot and I constantly check if theyre there and I readjust them, and I always have to be the last person to touch my stuff.

    What other Frozen things do you own?

    If you want to know a portion of what Frozen stuff I own you can look at the collections thread (only a portion because I have added more stuff and that is only my moms house. I have stuff at my dads too). People in real life say I have a lot, but I want MORE, sadly im not a billionaire so I cant buy every Frozen thing in the universe Disappointed


  • I think over attachment can be a part of autism. It is in my case. I have always got so attached to everything I own from my toys to my jewellery and clothes, I've always been like this and if anything happens to a single item it takes me weeks or months to get over it and then as you saw with Olaf I never forget it.

    I love being attached to things but it can work against me if something bad happens to something I'm attached to.

    Sorry, rambling again! 

    What other Frozen things do you own? 

  • I think over attachment can be a part of autism. It is in my case. I have always got so attached to everything I own from my toys to my jewellery and clothes, I've always been like this and if anything happens to a single item it takes me weeks or months to get over it and then as you saw with Olaf I never forget it.

    I love being attached to things but it can work against me if something bad happens to something I'm attached to.

    Sorry, rambling again! 

    What other Frozen things do you own? 

  • I actually was wanting to create some sort of Arendelle history textbook. I have a list of a few past rulers from Dangerous Secrets, and also some events that would probably be textbook worthy but textbooks are like hundreds of pages long lol. 

    I have watched behind the scenes but they are more about the process of making the movies rather than more information on the Frozen universe. I get most of my information from the movies and books. My problem that is keeping me from writting the textbook (aside from not having enough material) is that I cant be 100% sure what stuff is cannon. I have noticed inconsistancies between books and interviews, movies, so how can I know which parts are true? Even the broadway show has stuff that is wrong and Jenn Lee herself wrote the play! Which is why I need to disscuss with the team to know for sure. Maybe I should buy a notebook and write down all my questions so that way if I do ever meet them I could ask all at once.

    I was thinking of writting a letter to Lee to tell her how much Frozen means to me but to also talk about Wish because all I have been seeing online is how bad Wish is, but I need to tell her that its not actually bad (wont say why cause that will take too long and I dont want to give spoilers to anyone)

    Ahhh my brain is having so many thoughts that by the time I type out one sentance ive forgotten what I want to say and ive already had like 30 more thoughts!!

  • Your memory sounds so impressive with some things. I found that amazing reading about how sometimes you replay a chord in your head and then actually go and create that chord. That's very interesting, you must have a great ear for music, and also quite musical too that you can actually work out what chord is what. To me music all sounds the same chord wise, I wouldn't know D from C chord, I never have been particularly gifted when it comes to music which is such a shame as I really love music. It's one of my favourite things listening to music and brings me a lot of comfort and light during my darkest hours. I can however remember a scene of a movie that has a certain song in it, usually I'll be able to picture the scene and what the characters are saying and doing, it's almost like the said clip is actually replaying visually in my mind. This can be very fun, not so fun if it's a bad memory though and I visualise it, which happens far more than it likely should. But I can also remember entire chapters from the Harry Potter books, likely because it's my special interest and I can remember a lot from my early childhood which I found out at school a lot of neurotypicals can't really remember. But like you, with certain things my memory just dies lol like I'll leave the house with a shopping list imprinted in my mind and then I end up forgetting pretty much everything! I've left my keys at home, forgotten where the car is parked, and one of the worst is forgetting people's names... This happens way too much! Despite being in my 20's it's more like I'm in my 80's lol. In some cases my memory is terrible, utterly terrible, other times it's amazing, but normally not for important things. LOL.

    It must be fun remembering Frozen like that. Lately my memory for movies hasn't been so good, same with books. I struggle to remember what characters names are even though at once I'm sure I knew many by heart. Sure it's likely an anxiety thing but it is very annoying for sure.

    You would be good as a Arendelle Historian!!! You're dedicated and would love your work, sounds like the ideal thing for you. Have you thought of writing your own book??? I'm sure there would be so many Frozen fans who would simply love for someone to do something like that explaining the history, characters and knowledge that most aren't aware of. I thought of doing this for Harry Potter but currently I'm writing Luna's Looney World! - a sort of self biography for autistic people to use as a support and resource. I bet a Frozen factual book about the history would be absolutely smashing! I would buy it!!! In the meantime if you can't meet the creative team have you looked up interviews online and behind the scenes??? It might offer some insight into their work and inspire you... I did this with JK - before she showed her true colours - and have done the same with the actors and publishers. It can often be very inspiring and rewarding looking deeper in to these things. Just seeing how they think can be an eye opener.

    I bet your own Arendelle would be amazing!!! What a wonderful thing to dream about! I hope one day you will have the money to make this dream a reality. I read how a billionaire was rebuilding his own Titanic, so, perhaps that will be you one day with your own Arendelle....

    Never say never! In life, anything is possible and impossible things can and do happen!

  • Did you have a favourite toy growing up???

    Ive had different favorite toys but I would always feel awful that I was hurting the others feelings. I had a chart on my wall at one point and I had to rotate each toy to sleep with that night so they were all treated the same. I remember once I started crying all day because I loved one toy more than the other and I thought I was a horrible person. Haha im probably crazy

    I think we autistics in some cases have such an incredible memory.

    Some cases yes. I remember things that some kid in elementary school did one day or which swing they used one time and when Grace lied to the teacher about her math work (still have a slight grudge on her for that even though she probably doesnt even remember). I also remember license plates, and birthdays pretty well.
    And I can know the exact moment in a tv series or movie that a certain string of chords in the background music was played. I cant always do that one on command but give me a few days of playing it over and over in my head and ill figure it out. I actually didnt know I could do this one until recently when I tried writting a song on the piano. It was bothering me because I was like "this is in a song already" and for days the only thing I was talking about was the section of my music and I was asking everybody I knew what it was from and they all said it wasnt from anything and that I made it up. Then a few days later it hit me, so I went to the piano, moved the chord progressiong down an octave and moved to a new key and replayed it. I showed everyone again and I said "See I told you it already exsisted! I just had it in the wrong key" but they still couldnt hear it so I told them that i bet its in the scene in Frozen 2 when Elsa is taming the Water Nokk and its when they break out of the water with Elsa getting on Nokks back. It took a couple min to find the right clip but I found it and played it at that moment and I was right. Then my mom said that she doesnt even think the composers would have noticed (I doubt that). And then the same thing happened again a few months later with the first 7 chords of the goodbye scene of Just Add Magic last episode. That one was more impressive since I havent watched that show since 6th grade and its not even my special interest.

    So I can have a good memory with some things but then other things my memory is terrible. Like when I ask "Whats for dinner?" then less than 5min later "Whats for dinner?" lol

    it's lovely, like I can step back in to the past! Like taking a summer's stroll through time.

    Yeah it is Slight smile

    I didn't actually realise that much Frozen memorabilia even existed. You might have a Guinness World Record or Frozen stuff.

    Oh no, there is FAR MORE Frozen memorabilia out there. 

    I really would love if I had the most Frozen stuff ever but I dont think that is likely. Sometimes I get like a panic attack type thing when I worry that I dont love Frozen enough and that someone will love it more or will know more than me. It would be my biggest dream to know so much that Jenn Lee would officialy recognise me as an Arendelle Historian. I think id have a long way to go but maybe if I could somehow convince the creative team to let me intern with them and learn as much as I can. I also plan to one day, when I have enough money, to buy some land in Norway (only because Norway would be the closest thing to Arendelle. Except for the Arendelle park in Hong Kong but I dont like asian food so I would do well living there. Plus I dont think they are renting out at their park. I suppose if I was VERY rich I could hire someone to build me an Arendelle fjord) and then build a custom Arendelle house. It would need to be as accurate as possible. Id prefer if every item was made in the way that it wouldve been made back in mid 1800s scandinavian areas. I would have one hidden room behind a book shelf to keep all my modern things tho like my computer. 

    I gotta go so ill end here

  • Oh yes, I completely get what you mean with remembering pretty much every childhood toy that was lost, I remember them all, including the toys that weren't lost that I had and played with many happy days when I was growing up. I can remember every toy like it was yesterday and when I think of those toys, I can actually remember how I felt when I was playing with the toys, like the happiness that pulsated through me like this incredible energy that I only seemed to feel when I was a child, normally only when I played with my toys. I can remember the first toy I got was an adorable bear, very soft and had a big pink nose and wore a pretty scarf. I also had a Barbie when I was 6, she had beautiful golden hair and these lovely little brushes that I would use to brush and style her hair. She also had extra dresses that I would frequently organise for her. Clare I called her, was probably my favourite toy and I miss her so much. She sadly was broken by my brothers was not repairable. I remember when they broke her I had one of my biggest meltdowns. I was so upset and will always be crushed that she was broke.

    Did you have a favourite toy growing up???

    I think we autistics in some cases have such an incredible memory. I can remember so much, so many different things, it's lovely, like I can step back in to the past! Like taking a summer's stroll through time.

    Wow I just looked. You have a lot of Frozen stuff lol I didn't actually realise that much Frozen memorabilia even existed. You might have a Guinness World Record or Frozen stuff. I own the dvds but that's about it... I had an Olaf plushie, as you all know, however let's not go there XD

  • Yes I still remember toys from when I was a toddler that got ruined or dissapeared and every once in a while, ill bring it up again and itll be all I talk about for hours and ill say "Where is my stuffed bear with the short curly brown-grey fur with the blue footie pjs and had the little rattle inside?" then my moms just like "I dont know thats been gone since you were like 3" and I already knew that but then I keep asking for the rest of the day. I also make my mom open up the heating vent sometimes because when we first moved to my house 12yrs ago, I swear my favorite dog suffed animal fell down it. My mom has checked every year since it happened and never any luck but I still make her check. Then theres also my blue owl from McDonalds that went missing, my purple pig, my snowman orntament, my black short cut lego hair, my tree nut that I pretended was an owl back in 2nd grade, my blue leopard toy that my sister got messy then when my mom washed it, its fur was never soft again so then I wrapped it in an ACE bandage and had a funeral, and there are loads more but nobody wants to hear about all my stuff that has gone missing lol. I havnt lost something in years though actually, ive been ocd about my stuff (I dont actually know if I have real OCD), everything has its spot and I constantly check if theyre there and I readjust them, and I always have to be the last person to touch my stuff.

    What other Frozen things do you own?

    If you want to know a portion of what Frozen stuff I own you can look at the collections thread (only a portion because I have added more stuff and that is only my moms house. I have stuff at my dads too). People in real life say I have a lot, but I want MORE, sadly im not a billionaire so I cant buy every Frozen thing in the universe Disappointed
