New not diagnosed

Hello I have just found this forum.  I have not been diagnosed however I have been told by some medical professionals that I show signs and I can Identify I think.  I have lived a quite lonely life feeling very different from everyone else so I am looking to speaking to other people who might be like me, who might understand me better, who might accept me for who I am.  

  • Hi, I've had a preliminary diagnosis and I'm on the waiting list for a formal diagnosis (3-5 years where I am).

    When It was suggested by a psychologist that they thought I was somewhere on the spectrum I was initially curious and concerned. Since then I've done some research and I feel more content.

    I was 50 when I was told and now quite a bit of my "square peg" existence is easier to deal with. I now know that I won't necessarily have the same experience as others as I'm wired slightly differently. I'm not broken just different, this is an important concept that took me a while to come to terms with. A broken thing can possibly be repaired but different is just the way it is and it can be glorious or terrible and many things in-between.

    My advice is to do your own research, reach out to a medical professional if you are suffering from stress/depression. Try and speak to a psychologist and be really open as you'll get nowhere hiding aspects of your life from yourself nevermind others.

    Anyway forgive the ramble and welcome.

  • Hello welcome!

    I hope you like it here :)