Frustrated, going round in circles

First time posting here, 

I want share my frustration with the lack of support with regards to adults with autism.  I was myself diagnosed over 2 years ago at the ripe age of 50!  I am a disabled wheelchair user with autism that has been left in the system since my diagnosis, this was admitted to me by the Autism Diagnosis Centre.  I and my family have been trying to find support and help for me.  This has been really hard as I keep hitting a brick wall being told, if you were a child there are lots of things and services to help you.  Well I am not!  

Even attending university as a mature student has not really helped.  I achieved a First Class degree in Textiles, graduating 2022 and am currently doing a Masters in Arts Practice (Health and wellbeing).  I enjoy the routine of university and I do have a mentor I talk with on a weekly basis, who has been really helpful.  

But its coping in society where I need support, I have frequent sensory overload causing meltdowns of screaming, shouting and crying.  Society is not a nice place as I am judged frequently, being told, "you're an adult you should control yourself", or "you should know better". I am so frustrated I don't know where to get help.

My hope is that someone here my be able to shed a little light ?

  • In my experience dealing with autism, it has nothing to do with being autistic or even "control" (like you so write) it's more being the kind of person you want to be, regardless of being autistic, it is not labelled, more like something we all embrace to change or be more of who we are. 

    As for your sensory problem, I wonder if you have not considered devices to help you, such as sound restricting helmet especially made for autistic people who cannot handle sound well. Or I use something even simpler: earplugs or headphones. Besides, you should look at those devices only "reserved" for children (besides this makes no sense and tell those people to look at the definition of autism please) Search online if you cannot, there exist plenty of things that can help you.

    I am not sure this helps... I hope it does: good luck!