Why do people call me the C-Word when they don’t know me? Does anyone else receive this type of attention?

Does anyone else receive this? I often get called the C-Word and people do not get me at all. I like sitting in low light level rooms as the lights hurt my eyes and often my neighbours will accuse me of doing things I don’t do…. Like I’m a dodgy person because my curtains are often drawn shut. 
I struggle socially but the mask I use often people say I’m a people’s person. I’m drained by society and often feel alone and overwhelmed. 
although I love being alone I also want to have those connections with others however I often get taken advantage of because I tend to overshare information which neurotypical use against me. Which then is used to turn others against me. 

does anyone else experience this? 
I don’t know what to do anymore 

  • I have experienced all of this. I have been called weird. I have been laughed at, but i was nieve. I also overshare information but never ask others personal questions. O am trying not to share so much infirmation unnecessarily. I also want company but avoid company and like to be on my own. When i am alone, i overthink which isnt good for me. I am also a people person, very friendly and caring. Be yourself and *tuff to those who dont get you. 

  • Thank you. I feel so down and its starting to effect my moods and memory. I appreciate the reply. Thank you 

Reply Children
  • Tomorrow is another day, and i hope you will feel a little less down. I have to push myself sometimes to do the smallest of tasks. I know the feelings pass, but its horrible, isn'tit. Its lonely but we choose to be alone. That is confusing. I wish i were more sociable. And then i think, but i am sociable. And so it goes round in my head. So i try to make my solitary space nice, sweet smells, music, nice food etc. 

    Is there anyone that you can talk to that may help? Do you find that it passes? I know i should go swimming because that helps me, but im not going. Just today i wrote down how i was feeling. I lnowHeartthat i have to push myself more to avoid getting into a dark place. Then i say to myself, its today, tomorrow may be a better day Heart