Your lifes goals

Whatever age you are you need a little help and advise from people who have learnt the hard way by makeing mistakes lots of them what dosent kill you truley makes you stronger phisically and emotionally its good to listen to people who have lived with this for a long time either mild or severe  share some of your best times and your worst no judgments were all good and bad in equal measure somd times the scales can tip either way with power you get a responsibilty 

  • My best time was meeting my wife, she has stood by me when most would have walked. She never really complains and 35 years later we are hopefully starting our next chapter in Cornwall.

    The worst time was watching my wife give birth to our first child who we knew would be stillborn, his name is Harry. It was heartbreak  that neither of us had ever felt before. I can still remember his funeral like it was yesterday. It leaves a scar that in time just becomes part of us.

  • I am sorry fòr your loss and glad you going to cornwall nice place to settle 

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