Your lifes goals

Whatever age you are you need a little help and advise from people who have learnt the hard way by makeing mistakes lots of them what dosent kill you truley makes you stronger phisically and emotionally its good to listen to people who have lived with this for a long time either mild or severe  share some of your best times and your worst no judgments were all good and bad in equal measure somd times the scales can tip either way with power you get a responsibilty 

  • my life goal was always to just get by somehow.... very basic life.
    infact i never had a goal as i never originally cared about life, but then i figured ive hung on so long i need to do something, ofcourse then i started planning first plans to be homeless wandering comfortably, then plans to live in a cheap yacht, then i got lucky on a few things and gained money by investments enough for a deposit on a ownership of a flat and got a job, its all just luck really.... pure chance and luck... i cant give advice on it as i cant really imagine myself being able to replicate it again, its just luck. i had no chance in life and was stuck at my parents, so it really is luck how my life just turned around, and it can collapse any time still though.

    but i dunno, i think lifes hardness is all in your head, or how you handle it emotionally and mentally... to me life was impossible and then i got lucky, i still think its hard and uncertain.... but then i hear of other peoples lives like one guy i was speaking to from work who says hes bankrupt and in debt, his first girlfriend did that to him as soon as he got her pregnant so she could have a free life and didnt care about  him, then his second girlfreind recently just took all his savings and ran off with it, i couldnt stand his life, im more of a type that wants stability and surity and avoiding any trouble. but he seems to handle and ignore it well as if its not a issue, while i can easily collapse under anything that comes my way and make it out as big when its small compared to that guys issues. so hardship is in our heads, how we deal with things personally. a thing may appear small but yet to a person that cant deal with anything its massive world ending threat.

    ahhh look at me, rambling all over the place so much its warped the topic everywhere haha anyway my life goal is to just exist i guess, get by, have a basic life.... id like to be able to not have to work no more and just stay in my little flat and keep to myself doing whatever i want, like watching tv and playing games until i die of old age. thats my goal i guess.... and the trick is to think of how to get there, for me my first step is paying my mortgage off... and i think once thats done perhaps if i lose my job the benefits system can fund my life on the tiny token amount that gives as i live cheap anyway. but i dunno, id probably switch to a part time better feeling job once the mortgage is paid off.

    but yeah, getting to this point was super hard, i cant replicate it, i cant advise on how to get here, but im super lucky to get here is all i can say. but if i wasnt here the first goal for those not at this point should be to get ownership of a home, and the way there being a job and raising deposit and so on. sounds simple, but it isnt so simple is it. i got past that point just by luck. luck of crypto currency, luck of somehow being offered a job out of the blue randomly by a mix up of communications by a agency, alot of other layers of luck. depressing isnt it when you cant really tell how to make it to others but pure luck.

  • I dont think its depressing at all it all shows you gave it a go when things look bad keep going when its the worst it can only get better even if it  is small changes baby steps towards any of your goals in life when it was really bad for me in previous relationships ithourght my self well they carnt cut my head off as i wont let them catch me and that kept me motivated  i have a strong drive when i want to get things done in a hurry that also helps its about rolling with lifes punches when its really bad your body will protect you your body is an amazing gift that can do far more than you give it credit for 

  • I dont think its depressing at all it all shows you gave it a go when things look bad keep going when its the worst it can only get better even if it  is small changes baby steps towards any of your goals in life when it was really bad for me in previous relationships ithourght my self well they carnt cut my head off as i wont let them catch me and that kept me motivated  i have a strong drive when i want to get things done in a hurry that also helps its about rolling with lifes punches when its really bad your body will protect you your body is an amazing gift that can do far more than you give it credit for 

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