Late Diagnosis


My name is Kieran Hatley and I am a 33 year old man.

Ever since I was a young boy I have felt different to other people. I have always struggled with social situations. Not understanding how to respond emotionally to things. As well as understanding other people's emotional states.

Today, 03/10/2023 was the day I was officially diagnosed with Level 1 Autism.

When I was 5, my mother took me to get evaluated and I was diagnosed as dyspraxic. However there was always something else. Now I know what.

I have suffered 2 bouts of serious depression throughout my life and can certainly attribute some of that to not knowing myself.

I honestly don't know how I feel right now. I have always had difficulty making and keeping friends in my life as one by one they always get tired of me, or I simply fail to maintain the relationships through lack of reaching out. I was informed about this community by my doctor. I hope here that I can find people that GET me. And can understand the struggles that we go through on a daily basis.

Talking with other neurodivergent people has always been more comfortable for me as I feel I can relate to our similarities. 

I hope to make friends with some of you here.

Have a good day/evening/night
