
Hello, I  was diagnosed in the middle of my teens when my dad was going through heart problems. It was a stressful and confusing time for me and at first my doctor thought I was suffering mentally but I was later diagnosed with autism.

I'm nearly 30 now, life is a bit better for me but I still struggle with certain things like anxiety and interactions. I started working at a business building in London, as a typist. It's good work, OK money, has got my dad of my back as he keeps pressuring me to be "normal". 

I don't have much to do with my work colleagues as interacting makes me anxious. Though I'm getting on OK with people in the work chat, one other girl called Cindy sent me this today which got once I understood the humour.

Stuck out tongue closed eyes This is very me! I am addicted to cats... I'm tired after 3 weeks of working, but enjoying this weekend as it's the first full one I've had off. I'm anxious about going back Monday but I'm hoping the anxiety will pass in the end, it can be crushing at times.

Parents Reply
  • RIP possessions. Stuck out tongue closed eyes

    When my cat was a kitten she destroyed a lot of my clothes. I'd go out thinking I closed my bedroom door, but when I got back it was open and lots of my stuff was ruined.

    Sometimes it feels like cats have this inner destructive demon but you can't be angry with them either because they give you the puss n boots stare lol.

  • We had a cat that loved playing with 'Brillo-pad" pan scourers, loved tossing them up in the air and catching them. I'd get in and find a mass of wire wool, all opened out, on the floor. One day, I found the cat with one before he had destroyed its usefulness and confiscated it. I put it in the drawer next to the sink. About 10 minutes later I found he was playing with a pan scourer again. I went to the closed drawer and the scourer I had put in it was gone. I was a bit mystified, had the cat, he was a big strong tomcat, opened the drawer, taken out the scourer and closed the drawer again? The penny eventually dropped, the cat had opened the cupboard door under the sink (something he was quite capable of doing) and had hooked the scourer out of the drawer from the side, where there was the gap between the side of the drawer and the draining board. Still it was a crafty move!