New here: blessings/greetings/wha gwarn!


I did fill my profile, so please have a look...but in summary

42 year old, awaiting assessment (score highly on tests + "hyperactive" as a child), moved to West Wales from London (born & raised).

On here venturing out to be more 'social' - just with my kind of people now, to take the sting out lol! But also learning a LOT too! 

Like Arsenal, dogs, cars, trainers (footwear not the people), architecture, horticulture and history esp Caribbean (due to my heritage).

Im not great with technology (patience and practice), and not keen on the whole 'socials' thing, bit old school.  

Would be great to meet people not just on here but perhaps  eventually IRL groups/outings? Im new so apologise if I've missed the massive section dedicated to that! Im working my way through this beautiful discovery of this website!

Yea so...thats me! Hi!

  • Hello Bimmer Lady.  I am Number.  Whilst trying to smooth an introduction to you on another thread, it would appear that I may have somewhat inadvertently implied that you were either Hitler or a pit snake.

    Now those whom know me, we probably be wincing, smiling or p issing themselves laughing right now.......or more probably since I made that post....I am slower than most in some respects.

    I do hope that you know that it was not my intention to draw that nor any other inference about you nor an attempt to compare you to either of the aforementioned entities, nor any others of any description whatsoever.

    I think we can all agree that a wiser, more considered set of comparatives for the second party in the example given should have been expected to be broader.

    Apologies for any misunderstanding, but I do like to hope you are pitifully smiling at your screen for me.

    As always, I try to do good.  It ain't easy for me.

  • I appreciate it! I have see the other thread...I will deal with that accordingly, thats not your fault at all! I cant say its been a nice welcome, but i will persevere. Thank you.

Reply Children
  • thank u for reading. il ignore the dr below

    lol love your comment about the socials - i tried not to put too much feeling into it (OTT), but can see you get it!

  • Groovy.

    Having looked at your profile, we seem to share a fair bit......

    - have a love of "big dogs" and lego.

    - belief that music is spiritually important/connective (my taste is utterly eclectic)

    - quite socially isolated

    - don't do any social (f**kg) media & profoundly dislike the phenomenon.

    - wish to avoid hassle/explaining/apologising for my oddness.

    I hope to see you around on the pages.

    Have a good Thursday.

    Kind regards


  • no all you did was make it worse and provoked me lol
    which is pretty daft considering you dont seemingly have any autistic traits at all