
Hello, I'm a singer, well partly a singer I haven't hit the Big Time but I do sing for a living. It's my special interest, that and music. I've been diagnosed with ASD. It didn't really come as a surprise because I had read about it and studied it endlessly and I started thinking hey this might be me, and it was!

Having ASD has meant I've missed out on a lot, like friendships and personal relationships but I feel blessed that I've been gifted other things like my singing and the ability to have an excellent eye for detail. I feel like I see the world differently to those who aren't ASD.

I worry it might jeopardise my singing but then again with YouTube I think I can make it work out. I'm also going to start Vlogging about ASD now, get it out there and properly known as my GP was quite misinformed.

So hello. Sorry for this intro, I'm terrible at introducing myself as you can see.