How do I get an autism assessment?

Hi I'm 36 and recently had realisation through failed relationships and many other traits that I believe I'm autistic.

Yesterday I went to my GP and saw the actual Doctor and asked for a referral for an autism assessment and I explained why. 

The doctor clicked around on his computer for 15 mins whilst I'm sat Infront of him twiddling my thumbs and in the end he wrote a website down for me to visit and packed me off.

The website goes to a crisis team for mental health! I do not struggle with mental health, I do not have suicidal thoughts, or have depression or anything like that. I'm happy. I just think I'm autistic that's all.

The GP clearly had no idea how to refer me. 

Should the GP refer me or can I self refer for an assessment? 

I live in Kirklees district. 

Any help would be so much appreciated, thank you. 

  • On the NHS a GP or MH would have to refer, I believe. Your GP has clearly understood nothing.

    I would do an AQ50. There are plenty online. The AQ10 or AQ 50 are the pre diagnostic questionnaires the professionals use to determine whether an assessment is warranted. It's not a diagnosis in itself but is a preliminary indicator of likelihood of being autistic. Print off the results. 

    I'd then write all the reasons you think you fit the profile including anything that has been problematic to you in the past and then go back to the GP. You might want to speak to reception and ask whether any of their GPs is specialised in neurodivergence and to see that one. Then tell them clearly you aren't in crisis but you think you need a referral for a psycho- neurological  assessment.

    The problem you might have is that if you aren't complaining of an MH problem some might be reluctant. Not fair! Just wanting to know to protect your future well being ought to be good enough, I know.

    If he or she does refer, you'll be in for a long wait.

    The other route is private. But a) it's expensive and b) you'd need to do your homework. There are good and bad providers out there. I self-referred to the NAS Lorna Wing Centre. They are great.

  • I've done the AQ50 and my result was:

    Autism Spectrum Quotient (AQ) score: 36

    Max = 50, and 80% of AS patients score 32 or more

    Empathy Quotient (EQ) score: 12

    Max = 80, and 80% of AS patients score 30 or less

  • Looks like it would be useful for you to follow up on being assessed. I am diagnosed and my AQ score was 37. The RAADS-R is probably the most definitive test. It can be found here:  There is a thing called the 'Right to Choose', where your GP can refer you to a private assessment provider, but the NHS pays, see here for an example of the procedure: This is usually much quicker than waiting for an NHS assessment. If you have the cash available, you can refer yourself for a private ASD assessment, no need to involve or inform your GP. Private assessments seem to start at around £600 and can be over £2,000.

  • Thanks so much Martin! 

    I've also now taken the RAADS-R test and my score was 110 

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