Cat Burns - autistic and ADHDer singer

Hello fellow autistic people! Recently I have been listening to a lot of Cat Burn’s music. I really like her songs particularly ‘we’re not kids anymore’. She is an AuDHDer who I think is a great role model for neurodivergent young people.

Here is a link to the song- ‘we’re not kids anymore’. It’s currently my favourite stim song!

I have a slightly biased (positive) opinion of her because she is also autistic obviously!

Do you like her music? If so, what is your favourite song?

Do you know of any other openly neurodivergent singers?

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  • In a world that I don't understand, and have learnt to be suspicious of (for self preservation and for my own sanity,) I find that riddles can be a most useful and selective way to communicate.  I'll "unriddle" for everybody (who might be interested) when I have finished my census.
