

I'm Pegg, in my 50's and believe that I'm autistic. My G.P. agrees with me and has referred me for assessment although I understand that I'll have to wait a year or more to be assessed. 

Autism appears to run in my family. My brother did not speak until he was 7 and struggled to read. He had meltdowns, intense interests and was and is extremely literal. Two of his children have been diagnosed with ASD. My father was almost certainly autistic although never diagnosed. 

Despite all this, it didn't occur to me until quite recently that I might be the same! Because I wasn't focused on the idea. Whilst my brother was labeled as 'slow' as a child, I was labeled 'difficult'. I had no trouble academically and have achieved highly. I could both read and write before I started school. However, I had no friends, hated and feared socializing and spent all my time in pursuit of my interests. I was constantly berated for not fitting in by my mother, I have never managed to do that. 

All my life I have been poorly judged and misunderstood. I have been assumed to be blunt, rude, careless, unfeeling, and even dishonest at times by others without just cause - all because, it seems to me, I don't fit in. I have tried so hard to hide my differences, believing that there is something wrong with me, just not understanding what. 

As soon as I considered the idea that I could be autistic, everything fell into place. 

From reading some of the threads here, I'm amazed to discover that there may be people like me out there! I hope to join in some of the discussions here Slight smile

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