Helping My Work Colleagues Understand Me

Hi There,

I am in my late 40's and have discovered I have autism a couple of years ago, I started working for a new employer who does lots of team building and what I call forced social events about a year ago and am really finding it hard. I had my first meltdown since I was a child this week when I walked into a room for one of these events.

I am trying to work out what reasonable adjustments I can request and wondered if anyone had some tips to help me. I like the job and like the people I work closely with and my manage is very supportive but I can't seem to get them to understand me and how it effects me.

Any help would be great.

Thank you


  • Hi, 

    I actually just opened up the NAS page as I was considering posting about a similar issue. I can relate to this a lot- I recently started my PhD in a new lab. The people are lovely- I can only think of positive things to say about them but I still feel utterly overwhelmed socially. I cannot work at all in the office and technically I could do most of desk work from home and have started doing this more but I am worried it will look bad and is not ok. But whenever I am in the office with lots of people anf noise I get nothing done and am extremely stressed. I also haven’t felt able to join them for lunch- eating socially is a particularly difficult thing for me. i joined twice but it drained me so much tjat I had to take a break afterwards. 
    However now my supervisor has said I need to join more for social events such as lunch etc. I tried again today but had to leave and still it drained me so much that I feel nauseous and stressed and it is impacting my ability to work. I’m quite overwhelmed anyways at the moment as everything is new and my health isn’t great so my capacity for social situations is very low. 
    Even for lab work I have started doing it late in evenings or weekends when it is quieter. 

    i am also not sure how to manage this situation as if I try to meet my supervisors expectations in being more social it will render me unable to work well and will take a toll on my health. I actually find it quiet hard anyways to allow myself to opt out of certain situations and do what is best for me. 

    Is socialising and team work important for your job? Because if it isn’t I feel like it really doesn’t make sense for you to push yourself to attend these team building and social events. Can you explain to your manager that these kind of situations can be stressful for you and take a lot of energy and that if you have to attend them this will ultimately mean that you won’t have as much energy for your work and make you less efficient? I don’t know… but isn’t that the most important thing anyways? That you do your work well? So surely it makes sense to opt out of activities that impact your wellbeing and ability to work… this should make sense to a manager too but like you say I also worry that they would npt understand. It’s hard for me to understand that other people find these activities fun and relaxing- but this in return I think makes ot really hard for them to understand that we find it hard. 

    The situation for me is complicated by the fact that according to my supervisor being ab’e to join social events etc will be important for me to network as a scientist. 

    I don’t know what the best way to explain is… what I said so far is that social situations for me just take a lot more energy than average. So that especially when a lot is going on and I am overwhelmed, this makes it even harder. 

    I am sorry that I can’t really offer any useful advice… and I hope it’s ok that I wrote about my own challenges with this. You are not alone. 

    Finally I keep thinking that technically these social events or team building activities are not part of the job, so can anyone really make us do it? but then I still worry about how that would come accross… 

    hope you find a way of sorting this situation out! 

  • Also it just occured to me- does your workplace have a dedicated advisor for this kind of thing? Maybe you could reach out to them? I am just thinking of this as my university has a whole department to help disabled students ( i don’t like to think of being autistic as a disability but this is how it is classified)- and I actually have a mentor to help me

  • Also it just occured to me- does your workplace have a dedicated advisor for this kind of thing? Maybe you could reach out to them? I am just thinking of this as my university has a whole department to help disabled students ( i don’t like to think of being autistic as a disability but this is how it is classified)- and I actually have a mentor to help me

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