Hello, Newly Diagnosed, relieved and wanting to connect

Hello, Im fresh off the diagnosis. Amazed, relieved and overwhelmed. Im having help to integrate this understanding of myself. But i want to connect with others. please say hello. I have always overfelt everything, light, smells, sounds, peoples emotions and not had a clue why i am so exhausted all the time from it. And now ahh that's why.... I am autistic.

Im 48, female, I will always get overwhelmed but this is my first step into connecting with others.

Please say hello


  • Hi,

    I am another on the long list on here of recent, late diagnosis at 48! I went through a bit of a rollercoaster after diagnosis, relief/explanation of why I was different, denial, then mild anger that I hadn't been diagnosed earlier/slipped through the net (the times I've been to my GP with "stress" when it was actually meltdown followed by autistic inertia). I can happily now say that my emotions have settled and I feel extremely positive about my autism and it has changed my perspective about my feelings of being different as I now find myself relating some (not all) of my differences to my ASD. 

    I wish you the very best and hope that it is/becomes a positive thing for you too!


  • Hi,

    I am another on the long list on here of recent, late diagnosis at 48! I went through a bit of a rollercoaster after diagnosis, relief/explanation of why I was different, denial, then mild anger that I hadn't been diagnosed earlier/slipped through the net (the times I've been to my GP with "stress" when it was actually meltdown followed by autistic inertia). I can happily now say that my emotions have settled and I feel extremely positive about my autism and it has changed my perspective about my feelings of being different as I now find myself relating some (not all) of my differences to my ASD. 

    I wish you the very best and hope that it is/becomes a positive thing for you too!


  • Hello Batfink,  I'm sitting on that rollercoaster right now. It's been larger than I had expected. I thought I'd just go relief… But actually, it's a great big mess of emotions  - by the time i have worked out what im feeling it has passed. Now thinking back and understanding people comments to me over the years. This new Autistic lens on life hopefully will give a different perspective. Thank you for saying that things have settled for you - both i am delighted for you and pleased to hear that it can/will happen for me too.

    To a future of feeling positive about being autistic and fabulous.

    warm wishes N 

  • If you associate with those who understand autism, then you cannot go too far wrong.  If not, at all.

    I am however happy that things have settled down for you.